How to Treat Toenail Fungus at Home

Fungus affected toenails and healthy nails after home treatmentFungal disease of the toenails (onychomycosis) is quite common. The disease is contagious and is caused by the pathogenic bacteria (Epidermophyton). Almost from the moment of infection, a person begins to experience severe itching in the finger area, and even proven methods do not help. This disease is difficult to treat and requires patience before making a decision.How to properly treat fungus on toenails.Every fifth person in the world is infected with this fungus at least once, so it is not difficult to tell its presence by external signs.

Why are fungi dangerous?

Fungus on the nails should not be ignored as the disease is contagious and can ruin the lives of sufferers and those around them.In addition to the constant urge to scratch the affected area, the nail plate begins to change its structure, peel off, and thus make the entire surrounding area infected with the fungus. It looks uncomfortable, so you can't ignore the pain. Furthermore, it is impossible to forget because it will constantly remind you of its own itching.At the moment, people are very reluctant to go to the clinic, so this question is always relevant: How to treat onychomycosis at home?Treating toenail fungus with folk remedies has become commonplace. How to treat onychomycosis at home?People are used to thinking that fungus is not a serious disease and that you can get rid of it yourself. It’s only when they’ve been struggling with a problem for weeks with no results that they seek professional help.During this time, the disease enters the next stage, when the desire to scratch the legs becomes irresistible, leading to a state of panic and stress.You need to know that toenail fungus visually affects only a single area of the body, although it actually makes the entire body function worse. Toxins produced during the growth and reproduction of pathogenic fungi are deposited in them.Blood flow promotes their distribution throughout the body, leading to metabolic disorders, increased sensitivity to many negative factors, leading to various complications.Externally, the affected nail is painted a different color. This depends on the pathogen, as the fungus can be mold, yeast, or dermatophytes.Over time, keratinization of the nails makes even cutting the nails a problem. In this case, how to treat onychomycosis at home? Traditional methods of treating toenail fungus are the ones victims turn to first.Causes of fungi:
  • Open wounds on the feet (scratches, ulcers, abrasions, corns);
  • Violation of health regulations;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Antibiotics or other drugs used to treat any disease;
  • Excessive sweating of feet.
But all these causes are secondary, since the main one remains the infection in the patient. About one-third of patients contract the fungus while visiting saunas, swimming pools, nail salons and other crowded places. The presence of moisture only activates the infection process and provides favorable conditions for the spread of bacteria. Walking barefoot in a public shower or wearing someone else's flip-flops is enough for a patient's skin fragments to affect your skin.You can often become infected through the use of towels, rugs, and other similar common items. But even at home, no one is immune to fungal infections.It is enough for one of the family members to go to the beach or swimming pool and he can become a carrier of the bacteria, and if he shares slippers or sponges with him, the whole family can become infected.The lack of humidity also does not interfere with the function of the fungus. For example, visiting a store fitting room can be a site of infection. People in fitting rooms often take off their shoes and stand on the same mat.Shoe stores where people try on shoes without socks are a real breeding ground for many diseases, including fungal diseases.Fungal spores are able to withstand low and high temperatures, which can extend their lifespan by several months, allowing them to live quietly in the sand even on the hottest beaches.Considering that the sand or pebbles on the beach are a natural scrub for the feet, large numbers of infected skin particles are found there and adhere to people with open sores on their feet.Second-hand shoes are another vector for fungal spores. Of course, stores selling such items are obliged to sell them only after appropriate chemical treatment, but this is not always the case.

first signs of fungus

The first signs of fungus are color changes and spots on the nail plateFungi manifest themselves in different ways all the time. If a person is healthy and does not have any damage to the legs, then it will show up in the form of peeling skin. Symptoms may be more severe if there is damage between the toes or on the heel.The disease begins with peeling, mild redness, and itching of the skin near the nails. This may not matter as the cause may be that the shoes are uncomfortable or have poor breathability. In addition, redness between the fingers is difficult to notice immediately.The telltale signs of fungus are more noticeable in areas of sweaty foot skin. Diaper rash will appear there, and later blisters will appear.The color of the nails changes from transparent to light yellow, and the plates become cloudy and lumpy. When bacteria begin to attack the nails, streaks, yellowish spots will appear, and the nails will begin to crack and peel.The subungual space will be filled with the crumb mixture and will alternate with empty pits. But the most troublesome thing is that the feet become increasingly itchy and rancid, which is aggravated if the feet sweat.Late stages may be accompanied by fever and movement problems. In this case, treating toe fungus requires emergency medical intervention. He will determine what species causes the disease and what measures should be taken to combat it.In the initial stages, you can treat toenail fungus using folk remedies or using medicated antifungal ointments and gels.

Options for traditional methods of treating foot fungus

Lemon juice compress – a folk remedy for toenail fungus
  1. Using laundry detergent has always been considered effective as it contains alkalis that can kill any type of fungus. Half a cup of the powder should be poured into the hot tub and your feet should be immersed in it. You should not sit for more than 15 minutes. This process must be repeated for 10 days.
  2. Everyone knows that garlic kills bacteria. When fighting fungi, it is used in its pure form by cutting a clove into two parts and soaking it in salt. There is no need to eat garlic, but it needs to be rubbed on the areas of the legs damaged by the fungus. Garlic can cause more irritation and redness and should not be used for extended periods of time. 5-7 minutes is enough.
  3. Applying ammonia compresses at night is also a folk remedy for treating foot fungus. Add a spoonful of ammonia to 250 milligrams of water, soak a natural fabric that retains moisture well in the solution, and wrap the legs.
  4. Apply a paste made from soda water to your feet for 20 minutes. This will stop the spread of germs.
  5. Sprinkle the steamed legs with boric acid powder and put on socks.
  6. Can iodine treat onychomycosis? Treating toenail fungus with iodine is not limited to the usual application to the affected area. A product made of iodine, acetic acid, glycerin and water in a ratio of 1: 2 (2 parts water) can be helpful when rubbed on the affected area at night. Before doing this, they need to be steamed so that the pores open and the medicine can penetrate better.
  7. The simplest method, which can only be used during the first stages of the disease, is to insert a tampon soaked in alcohol between the fingers. You can leave it overnight or until the alcohol is completely dry.
  8. Porridge of grated onions also helps to stop the spread of infection, for which it needs to be applied for several hours.
  9. How to treat foot and nail fungus with herbs? Dried chamomile, mint, sage and nettles are suitable for this purpose. They can be pressed into equal portions, poured into socks, and worn at night. The same powder cannot be reused, just like socks. In summer, fresh inflorescences can be used.
  10. Treating foot fungus with vinegar is very effective. How to treat onychomycosis with vinegar? To do this, you need to take a bath with a 9% vinegar solution. First you need to steam your feet, then pour vinegar into warm water and leave your feet there for 15 minutes so that the soles of your feet do not touch the bottom. After surgery, allow your feet to dry naturally without rinsing them with water.
  11. We use hydrogen peroxide to treat onychomycosis. The application process is the same as vinegar, except that you use 3% peroxide.
  12. Cut a lemon into slices and apply to the affected nail. Cover the top with gauze and wrap in film overnight.


To prevent fungal infections, you need to wear flip flops when walking on the beach. To effectively treat onychomycosis, it's best to prevent infection in the first place. To get rid of unpleasant diseases, you need to follow the following recommendations:
  • Don’t walk barefoot in public places;
  • Wear rubber slippers when going to the gym, swimming pool, or water park;
  • Use an antifungal varnish that has a bactericidal effect;
  • Invest in comfortable fabric or leather shoes;
  • Make sure that in the nail salon they only use heat-treated tools;
  • Don’t use strangers’ slippers, towels or socks;
  • Don’t wear the same socks every day;
  • Wash your feet in the morning and evening;
  • take vitamins;
  • At the first signs of fungal disease, use a gel to relieve itching, peeling, and erosions.

What are the dangers and how to treat advanced onychomycosis at home

Old fungi can cause complications from conditions such as diabetes, bronchial asthma or allergies. It becomes a conduit for other infections that affect internal organs.An increase in toxins in the body can lead to poisoning.Ancient fungi cannot be cured with folk remedies alone. How to treat advanced onychomycosis? This requires a course of treatment under the supervision of a dermatologist and should be supplemented with folk remedies.Late stages of fungus may be caused by a late visit to the doctor, an incorrect prescription, or medications that are ineffective.Old fungus requires long-term treatment, which can last six months. How to treat old onychomycosis?Doctors can make a diagnosis only after analyzing scratches on the damaged area and then prescribe antifungal drugs. You need to be careful with certain medications; they may be contraindicated during pregnancy.Along with taking tablets, creams and ointments are also used, which are applied to the lesions.

How to Treat Advanced Toenail Fungus with Folk Remedies

    Comprehensive treatment of onychomycosis, healthy toenails
  1. Soak a cotton swab in propolis tincture containing 20% alcohol and apply it to the damaged nail. Propolis helps kill the fungus quickly, then the old nail plate falls off and the healthy nail plate grows back.
  2. Applying kombucha porridge to the affected area can help fight fungus. Use it for several hours a day.
  3. Use an ointment consisting of 100 g of butter, shelled eggs and 50 mg of 70% acetic acid daily. Place all ingredients into a jar without mixing. The ointment should be kept in the refrigerator for a week until the shell is completely dissolved. The ingredients can then be blended until smooth.
  4. Pour 15 grams of calamus root into boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. The infusion should be taken as a quarter cup, divided into four portions.
  5. In the evening, you need to apply the ashes of 3 cigarettes and 1/2 teaspoon of ointment to your nails. Fluoride toothpaste.
What is the best way to treat onychomycosis? There are many effective treatments, but they can be used depending on the stage of the disease.In the early stages it can be treated with folk remedies; in the older stage, complex treatment with drugs combined with home medicine methods is necessary.